var base_url = ""; if (base_url != window.location.origin) { base_url = window.location.origin; if (base_url == "") base_url += "/ebikebox/TYB"; } (function () { // 'use strict'; $.expr[":"].contains = $.expr.createPseudo(function(arg) { return function( elem ) { return $(elem).text().toUpperCase().indexOf(arg.toUpperCase()) >= 0; }; }); function generateOutPutDate(toconvert) { var outputdate = "'" + with_leading_zeros(toconvert.getDate()) + "." + with_leading_zeros(toconvert.getMonth() + 1) + "." + toconvert.getFullYear() + " " + with_leading_zeros(toconvert.getHours()) + ":" + with_leading_zeros(toconvert.getMinutes()) + "'"; return outputdate; } Date.prototype.addHours = function (h) { this.setTime(this.getTime() + (h * 60 * 60 * 1000)); return this; } Date.prototype.addDays = function (d) { this.setTime(this.getTime() + (d * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)); return this; } function initTimeSelection() { // alert(hoursdisabled_cat); var currentdate = new Date(); var currentdate_before = new Date(); if ($("#bike_search_from").attr('data-beforetoday-hours')) { currentdate_before = currentdate_before.addHours(-1 * parseInt($("#bike_search_from").attr('data-beforetoday-hours'))); } if ($("#bike_search_from").attr('data-beforetoday-days')) { currentdate_before = currentdate_before.addDays(-1 * parseInt($("#bike_search_from").attr('data-beforetoday-days'))); } var outputdate = generateOutPutDate(currentdate); var outputdate_before = generateOutPutDate(currentdate_before); if ($("#bike_search_from").attr('date-startdate')) { outputdate_before = outputdate = $("#bike_search_from").attr("date-startdate");// generateOutPutDate($("#bike_search_from").attr("date-startdate")); } /* var currentdate = new Date(); var currentdate_before = new Date(); if ($("#bike_search_from").attr('data-beforetoday-hours')) { currentdate_before = currentdate_before.addHours(-1 * parseInt($("#bike_search_from").attr('data-beforetoday-hours'))); } if ($("#bike_search_from").attr('data-beforetoday-days')) { currentdate_before = currentdate_before.addDays(-1 * parseInt($("#bike_search_from").attr('data-beforetoday-days'))); } var outputdate = generateOutPutDate(currentdate); var outputdate_before = generateOutPutDate(currentdate_before); */ if ($('#bike_search_from').length > 0) { $('#bike_search_from').datetimepicker({ minView: 1, autoclose: true, language: 'de', weekStart: 1, format: ' hh:ii', outputformat: ' hh:00', startDate: outputdate_before, //outputdate, todayBtn: 1, // hoursDisabled: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 21, 22, 23, 24], todayHighlight: 1, pickerPosition: "container-left", startView: 2, minuteStep: 60, forceParse: 1, showMeridian: 0, //linkField: "bike_search_until", linkFormat: " hh:ii", icons: { time: "fa fa-clock-o", date: "fa fa-calendar", up: "fa fa-arrow-up", down: "fa fa-arrow-down" } }); $('#bike_search_until').datetimepicker({ language: 'de', weekStart: 1, format: ' hh:ii', outputformat: ' hh:00', startDate: outputdate, todayBtn: 1, // hoursDisabled: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 21, 22, 23, 24], autoclose: 1, todayHighlight: 1, pickerPosition: "container-left", startView: 2, minView: 1, minuteStep: 60, forceParse: 1, showMeridian: 0, icons: { time: "fa fa-clock-o", date: "fa fa-calendar", up: "fa fa-arrow-up", down: "fa fa-arrow-down" } }); $('.form_datetime[data-readonly="1"] input').css('cursor', 'pointer').attr('disabled', 'disabled'); $('.form_datetime[data-readonly="1"]').on('click', function () { $(this).find('.input-group-addon').trigger('click'); }); $('#bike_search_from').datetimepicker().on('changeDate', function (e) { var first = new Date(; // console.log($("#bike_search_until").attr('data-minspan-hours')); if ($("#bike_search_until").attr('data-minspan-hours')) { first = first.addHours(parseInt($("#bike_search_until").attr('data-minspan-hours'))); } //console.log(first); if ($("#bike_search_until").attr('data-minspan-days')) { first = first.addDays(parseInt($("#bike_search_until").attr('data-minspan-days'))); } $("#bike_search_until").datetimepicker('setDate', first); $("#bike_search_until").datetimepicker('setStartDate', generateOutPutDate(first)); }); $('#bike_search_from').datetimepicker().on('outOfRange', function (e) { }); $('#bike_search_until').datetimepicker().on('changeDate', function (e) { $("#form_search_bikes_submit").trigger("click"); //OLD TYPE // $("#form_search_bikes").submit(); }); } /* // alert(hoursdisabled_cat); var currentdate = new Date(); outputdate = generateOutPutDate(currentdate); if ($('#bike_search_from').length > 0) { //alert($("#bike_search_from").attr("date-startdate")); outputdate = $("#bike_search_from").attr("date-startdate");// generateOutPutDate($("#bike_search_from").attr("date-startdate")); $('#bike_search_from').datetimepicker({ minView: 1, autoclose: true, language: 'de', weekStart: 1, format: ' hh:ii', outputformat: ' hh:00', startDate: outputdate, //outputdate, todayBtn: 1, // hoursDisabled: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 21, 22, 23, 24], todayHighlight: 1, pickerPosition: "container-left", startView: 2, minuteStep: 60, forceParse: 1, showMeridian: 0, linkField: "bike_search_until", linkFormat: " hh:ii", icons: { time: "fa fa-clock-o", date: "fa fa-calendar", up: "fa fa-arrow-up", down: "fa fa-arrow-down" } }); $('#bike_search_until').datetimepicker({ language: 'de', weekStart: 1, format: ' hh:ii', outputformat: ' hh:00', startDate: outputdate, todayBtn: 1, // hoursDisabled: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 21, 22, 23, 24], autoclose: 1, todayHighlight: 1, pickerPosition: "container-left", startView: 2, minView: 1, minuteStep: 60, forceParse: 1, showMeridian: 0, icons: { time: "fa fa-clock-o", date: "fa fa-calendar", up: "fa fa-arrow-up", down: "fa fa-arrow-down" } }); $('#bike_search_from').datetimepicker().on('changeDate', function (e) { // var first = new Date(; // first.setHours(first.getHours()+first.getTimezoneOffset()/60); //timezone correction // console.log(first); // alert("changed"); // $("#bike_search_until").datetimepicker('setStartDate', generateOutPutDate(first)); }); $('#bike_search_from').datetimepicker().on('outOfRange', function (e) { }); $('#bike_search_until').datetimepicker().on('changeDate', function (e) { // $("#form_search_bikes").submit(); }); } */ } function with_leading_zeros(value) { return (value < 10 ? '0' : '') + value; } function initCartButtons() { $("#cart #cart-content .button-removefromcart").click(function () { // console.log("REMOVE"); // alert("REMOVE"); var pid = $(this).attr("pid"); var for_pid = $(this).attr("for_pid"); // console.log("remove3 " + pid + " fp:" + for_pid); // alert("Remove " + pid + " " + for_pid); $.ajax({ url: base_url + "/cart/remove", method: "POST", //First change type to method here data: { product_id: pid, for_product_id: for_pid, }, success: function (response) { productsincart = getProductsInCart(response); // alert("Responsge success" + pid + " " + for_pid); response = getCartResult(response); $("#cart-content").html(response); self.location.reload(); initCartButtons(); updateCartNotification(productsincart); }, error: function () { // alert("error"); } }); // alert("Remove done " + pid + " " + for_pid); }); } function check_username(value) { //console.log("CHECK USERNAME"); Cookies.set("nocache", 1, {expires: 1}); $.ajax({ url: base_url + '/data/checkUserperMail', method: "POST", //First change type to method here data: { email: value, // Second add quotes on the value. }, success: function (resp) { // alert('in success JSON'); //console.log(resp.response) if (resp == "1") { document.getElementById("e-mail-info").style.display = "block"; //$("#e-mail-info").show(); // $("#customer-information .button-next").hide(); } }, error: function (resp) { } }); } function validateCustomerInfo(firstrun = false) { //console.log("Validate"); valid = true; zip = $("#zip")[0].value; street = $("#street")[0].value; town = $("#town")[0].value; phone = $("#phone")[0].value; mail = $("#email")[0].value; firstname = $("#firstname")[0].value; lastname = $("#lastname")[0].value; $('#customer-information input').removeClass("error"); if (mail.length < 6 || !isEmail(mail)) { valid = false; if (!firstrun) $("#email").addClass("error"); } if (firstname.length < 2) { valid = false; if (!firstrun) $("#firstname").addClass("error"); } if (lastname.length < 2) { valid = false; if (!firstrun) $("#lastname").addClass("error"); } // console.log("street: " + street.length); if (street.length < 6) { valid = false; // console.log($("#street").val().length + " = " + $("#street").val()); if (!firstrun) $("#street").addClass("error"); } if (phone.length < 6) { valid = false; // console.log($("#street").val().length + " = " + $("#street").val()); if (!firstrun) $("#phone").addClass("error"); } // console.log("ZIP: " + zip.length); if (zip.length < 4) { valid = false; if (!firstrun) $("#zip").addClass("error"); } // console.log("town: " + town.length); if (town.length < 2) { valid = false; if (!firstrun) $("#town").addClass("error"); } if (valid == true) { $("#customer-information .button-next").show(); $('#customer-information input').removeClass("error"); // $('#payment-information .content').show(); // $('html, body').animate({scrollTop: $('#payment-information').offset().top}, 200); /*$(this).parent().hide();*/ } //else // $("#customer-information .button-next").hide(); return valid; } function getCartResult(response) { seperator = response.indexOf("||"); if (seperator > 0) { len = response.length; seperator += 2; // alert(seperator); response = response.substring(seperator, len); //console.log(response); return response; } else return response; } function getProductsInCart(response) { seperator = response.indexOf("||"); // alert(seperator); productsincart = 0; if (seperator > 0) { productsincart = response.substring(0, seperator); //alert(productsincart); } return productsincart; } function isEmail(email) { var regex = /^([a-zA-Z0-9_.+-])+\@(([a-zA-Z0-9-])+\.)+([a-zA-Z0-9]{2,4})+$/; return regex.test(email); } function updateCartNotification(value) { // console.log("UPDATEID"); $("#cart-notification").removeClass("pulsate"); $("#cart-notification").html(value); $("#cart-notification").addClass("pulsate"); setTimeout(function () { $("#cart-notification").removeClass('pulsate'); }, 2000); } function closeSafetyPackageBadges() { $(".close-safety").click(function () { $(".add-safety-package").hide(); }); } $.fn.classes = function (callback) { var classes = []; $.each(this, function (i, v) { var splitClassName = v.className.split(/\s+/); for (var j = 0; j < splitClassName.length; j++) { var className = splitClassName[j]; if (-1 === classes.indexOf(className)) { classes.push(className); } } }); if ('function' === typeof callback) { for (var i in classes) { callback(classes[i]); } } return classes; }; function initMultipleBooking() { if ($(".book-multiple").length > 0) { $("#confirm-multibooking").click(function(){ //console.log($('.book-multiple:checkbox:checked')); $('.book-multiple:checkbox:checked').each(function () { let pid = $(this).attr("id").replace('book-', '') console.log(pid); addtoCart(pid) }); }) $(".book-multiple").click(function() { //console.log($('.book-multiple:checkbox:checked').length); if($('.book-multiple:checkbox:checked').length > 0 ) $("#confirm-multibooking").show(); else $("#confirm-multibooking").hide(); } ); } } function initFilterButtons() { //console.log($("#type_filter").length); if ($("#type_filter").length > 0 || $("#brand_filter").length > 0 || $("#size_filter").length > 0) { var all = $(".product-row").classes(); // console.log(all.length); $(".filterselect").addClass("remove"); $(".brandfilterselect").addClass("remove"); $(".sizefilterselect").addClass("remove"); // console.log(all); if ($(all).length > 0) { var typesfound = brandsfound = sizesfound = 0; $(all).each(function (index, value) { //console.log(value); if (value.startsWith("producttype-") && value != "producttype-") { $("#filterselect-" + value.replace('producttype-', '')).removeClass("remove"); $("#filterselect-" + value.replace('producttype-', '')).addClass("available"); typesfound++; } if (value.startsWith("size-") && value != "size-") { $("#filterselect-" + value.replace('size-', '')).removeClass("remove"); $("#filterselect-" + value.replace('size-', '')).addClass("available"); sizesfound++; } if (value.startsWith("productbrand-") && value != "productbrand-"&& value != "productbrand-tyn") { // console.log(value) $("#filterselect-" + value.replace('productbrand-', '')).removeClass("remove"); $("#filterselect-" + value.replace('productbrand-', '')).addClass("available"); brandsfound++; } }); $(".filterselect.remove").remove(); $(".sizefilterselect.remove").remove(); $(".brandfilterselect.remove").remove(); //console.log(brandsfound + " " + typesfound + " " + sizesfound); if(typesfound > 1) $("#type_filter").show(); else $("#type_filter").hide(); if(sizesfound > 1) $("#size_filter").show(); else $("#size_filter").hide(); if(brandsfound > 1) $("#brand_filter").show(); else $("#brand_filter").hide(); if ($("#filter-available").length > 0) { $("#filter-available").addClass("available"); $("#filter-available").click(function () { $(".product-row").removeClass("dont-show-type").show(); $(".filterselect_icon,.filterselect").removeClass("active"); $(this).addClass("active"); $(".enabled-0").toggle(); }); } if ($("#brandfilter-available").length > 0) { $("#brandfilter-available").addClass("available"); $("#brandfilter-available").click(function () { $(".product-row").removeClass("dont-show-brand").show(); $(".brandfilterselect_icon,.brandfilterselect").removeClass("active"); $(this).addClass("active"); $(".enabled-0").toggle(); }); } if ($("#sizefilter-available").length > 0) { $("#sizefilter-available").addClass("available"); $("#sizefilter-available").click(function () { $(".product-row").removeClass("dont-show-size").show(); $(".sizefilterselect_icon,.sizefilterselect").removeClass("active"); $(this).addClass("active"); $(".enabled-0").toggle(); }); } if (typesfound > 0) { $("#type_filter").show(); $(".filterselect_icon,.filterselect").click(function () { //console.log($(this).hasClass); if (!$(this).hasClass("active")) { $("#filter-available, .filterselect_icon,.filterselect").removeClass("active"); $(".product-row").addClass("dont-show-type"); var activeid = $(this).attr("id"); setTimeout(function () { $(".product-row").hide(); $(".producttype-" + activeid.replace('filterselect-', '')).show().removeClass("dont-show-type"); }, 300); $(this).addClass("active"); } }); } if (brandsfound > 1) { $(".brandfilterselect").click(function () { if (!$(this).hasClass("active")) { $("#brandfilter-available, .brandfilterselect").removeClass("active"); $(".product-row").addClass("dont-show-brand"); var activeid = $(this).attr("id"); //console.log(activeid); setTimeout(function () { $(".product-row").hide(); $(".productbrand-" + activeid.replace('filterselect-', '')) $(".productbrand-" + activeid.replace('filterselect-', '')).show().removeClass("dont-show-brand"); }, 300); $(this).addClass("active"); } }); } if (sizesfound > 1) { $(".sizefilterselect").click(function () { if (!$(this).hasClass("active")) { $("#sizefilter-available, .sizefilterselect").removeClass("active"); $(".product-row").addClass("dont-show-size"); var activeid = $(this).attr("id"); //console.log(activeid); setTimeout(function () { $(".product-row").hide(); $(".size-" + activeid.replace('filterselect-', '')) $(".size-" + activeid.replace('filterselect-', '')).show().removeClass("dont-show-size"); }, 300); $(this).addClass("active"); } }); } } //alert("REMOVE IT"); } } function initSellFormRequests(submiturl) { //alert('init SFR') $("#form-sell-request").on("submit", function(event){ event.preventDefault(); var formValues= $(this).serialize(); // console.log(submiturl) // console.log(formValues); firstname = $("#firstname")[0].value; lastname = $("#lastname")[0].value; if (firstname.length > 2) { $("#firstname").removeClass("error"); if (lastname.length > 2) { $("#lastname").removeClass("error"); if (isEmail($("#email").val())) { $.post(submiturl, formValues, function(data){ // Display the returned data in browser $("#additional-products .content").html(data); }); } else $("#email").addClass("error"); } else $("#lastname").addClass("error"); } else $("#firstname").addClass("error"); }); } function addtoCart(pid, for_pid = 0, pgid= 0, which = ".button-addtocart") { obj_toworkwith = $("#product-row-addtocart-"+pid); if(for_pid == 0) for_pid = obj_toworkwith.attr("for_pid"); if(pgid == 0) pgid = obj_toworkwith.attr("data-productgroup"); if (pgid == "0") pgid = ""; //alert(pid + " " + for_pid + " " + pgid) ; console.log(obj_toworkwith); Cookies.set("nocache", 1, {expires: 1}); $.ajax({ url: base_url + "/cart/add", curobj: obj_toworkwith, for_pid: for_pid, pid: pid, pgid: pgid, method: "POST", //First change type to method here data: { product_id: pid, for_product_id: for_pid, }, success: function (response) { $(obj_toworkwith.curobj).parent(".product-row-cartaction").find(".in-cart").toggleClass("hidden"); $(obj_toworkwith.curobj).toggle(); productsincart = getProductsInCart(response); response = getCartResult(response); $("#cart-content").html(response); if (pgid.length >= 1 && which != ".add-additional-product") { //console.log("2"); console.log(obj_toworkwith); Cookies.set("nocache", 1, {expires: 1}); //console.log("Sent request " + obj_toworkwith.for_pid + " " + obj_toworkwith.pgid); //console.log("Sent request 2 " + for_pid + " " + pgid + " " + pid); $.ajax({ url: base_url + "/products/additional", method: "POST", //First change type to method here data: { for_product_id: pid, productgroup: pgid }, success: function (response) { //alert("DONE"); // console.log(response.length); if (response.length > 0) { startAdditionalOverlay(response); } initProductButtons(".add-additional-product"); // console.log(response); }, error: function (response) { alert("error " + response); } }); // console.log("ENd Sent request"); } // initProductButtons(); initCartButtons(); updateCartNotification(productsincart); // console.log("end success"); }, error: function () { // alert("error"); } }); } function initProductButtons(which) { if (typeof which == 'undefined') which = ".button-addtocart"; // console.log("HICH IS" + which); if($("#save-body-data").length > 0 ) { $("#save-body-data").click(function () { var for_pid = $(this).attr("for_pid"); var weight = $("#cyclist_weight").val(); var height = $("#cyclist_height").val(); // alert(weight + " " + height); $.ajax({ url: base_url + "/cart/add/data", method: "POST", //First change type to method here data: { for_product_id: for_pid, cyclist_height: height, cyclist_weight: weight, }, success: function (response) { $("#data-input-actions").html(response); } , error: function () { alert("error"); } }); }); } $(which).click(function () { var pid = $(this).attr("pid"); var for_pid = $(this).attr("for_pid"); var pgid = $(this).attr("data-productgroup"); if (pgid == "0") pgid = ""; addtoCart(pid, for_pid, pgid, which); }); if ($(".edit-price").length > 0) { $(".edit-price").click(function(){ var price_row = $(this).parent().parent(); price_row.find(".price-output").toggle(); price_row.find(".edit-price-form").toggle(); }); } if ($(".sell-badge").length > 0) { // console.log("Found Changebike); $(".sell-badge").click(function () { var for_pid = $(this).attr("for_pid"); var processurl = base_url + "/bi/getsellinfo/" + for_pid+"/process"; $.ajax({ type: "GET", dataType: ' text', url: base_url + "/bi/getsellinfo/" + for_pid, success: function (response) { startAdditionalOverlay(response); initSellFormRequests(processurl); }, error: function () { } }); }); } $(".button-removefromcart").click(function () { // console.log("REMOVE"); var pid = $(this).attr("pid"); var for_pid = $(this).attr("for_pid"); // console.log("remove2 " + pid + " fp:" + for_pid); // alert("SUCCESS"); var buttonclicked = this; $.ajax({ url: base_url + "/cart/remove", method: "POST", //First change type to method here data: { product_id: pid, // Second add quotes on the value. for_product_id: for_pid, // Second add quotes on the value. }, success: function (response) { // console.log("SUCCESS " + response); // alert("SCUCESS"); if ($(buttonclicked).hasClass("button-checkout")) { self.location.href = base_url + "/checkout"; return false; } else { productsincart = getProductsInCart(response); response = getCartResult(response); $("#cart-content").html(response); initCartButtons(); updateCartNotification(productsincart); } }, error: function () { // alert("error"); self.location.href = base_url + "/checkout"; return false; } }); }); } function checkAgreements() { var agb = document.getElementById("agree-agb"); var dsgvo = document.getElementById("agree-dsgvo"); var rent = document.getElementById("agree-rent"); var external = document.getElementById("agree-externalagreement"); // alert($("#additionalinfos").val().length); // Get the output text var text = document.getElementById("pay-now-container"); var options = document.getElementsByName('paymentoption'); var selectedoption = ""; for (var i = 0; i < options.length; i++) { if (options[i].checked) { selectedoption = options[i].value; } } // console.log("checking SO:" + selectedoption + " " + agb.checked + " " + dsgvo.checked + " " + rent.checked); // If the checkbox is checked, display the output text if (($("#agree-externalagreement").length <= 0 || ($("#agree-externalagreement").length > 0 && external.checked == true)) && agb.checked == true && dsgvo.checked == true && rent.checked == true && selectedoption != "") { $("#pay-now-container").removeClass("hideit"); $("#data-missing").addClass("hideit"); return true; // = valid // = "block"; } else { // = "none"; $("#data-missing").removeClass("hideit"); $("#pay-now-container").addClass("hideit"); return false; // = not valid } } function validateCheckout() { valid = false; valid = validateCustomerInfo(false); valid = checkAgreements(); var external = document.getElementById("agree-externalagreement"); if ($("#additionalinfos").val().length < 5 && external.checked == true) { valid = false; $("#additionalinfos").addClass("error"); } //valid = true; // debuggin if (valid == true) { } return valid; } var cart; $(document.body).on('touchmove', onScroll); // for mobile $(window).on('scroll', onScroll); // callback function onScroll() { //if (window.matchMedia('(min-width: 1025px)').matches) # { if ($(document).scrollTop() >= 50) { // user scrolled 50 pixels or more; // do stuff $("body").addClass("scrolled"); } else { $("body").removeClass("scrolled"); } } if ($(window).scrollTop() + window.innerHeight >= document.body.scrollHeight) { } } function validateEmail(email) { const re = /^(([^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+(\.[^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+)*)|(".+"))@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\])|(([a-zA-Z\-0-9]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}))$/; return re.test(String(email).toLowerCase()); } $(document).scroll(function () { }); function hideNLPopup() { // alert("HIDE IT"); Cookies.set("nlshown", 1, {expires: 4}); } $(window).load(function () { var newsletter_shown = Cookies.get("nlshown"); var newsletter_registered = Cookies.get("nlreged"); if (typeof newsletter_shown == 'undefined') newsletter_shown = 0; if (typeof newsletter_registered == 'undefined') newsletter_registered = 0; $("#sib-form-submit").on("click", function () { // alert("SUBTM MIT"); if (validateEmail($("#EMAIL").val()) && $('#OPT_IN').is(':checked')) { $("#sib-form").submit(); hideNLPopup(); Cookies.set("nlreged", 1, {expires: 365}); } }); newsletter_shown = 1; // END if (!window.location.pathname.endsWith("newsletter-gewinnspiel") && newsletter_shown <= 0 && newsletter_registered <= 0) { newsletter_shown++; $("#close-popup").click(function () { $("#newsletter-popup").hide(); hideNLPopup(); }); setTimeout(function () { // $("#cart-notification").removeClass('pulsate'); $("#newsletter-popup").show(); // hideNLPopup(); hideNLPopup(); }, 10000); } if ($(".testimonials").length > 0) { var testimonials_carousel = $('.testimonials'); testimonials_carousel.owlCarousel({ items:4, loop:true, margin:20, autoplay:true, autoplayTimeout:3000, autoplayHoverPause:true }); } if ($(".banner").length > 0) { console.log("INIT CAROUSEL "); const $owlCarousel = $('.banner').owlCarousel({ items: 1, margin: 0, autoplay: true, autoPlay: 5000, nav: false, dots: true, singleItem: true, autoplayTimeout: 5000, loop: true, stagePadding: 0, onChanged: function (e) { // console.log("onchanged") $(".owl-slide-animated, .enjoy, .your-ride,.banner-slogan").removeClass("is-transitioned"); 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setTimeout(() => { $(" .owl-slide-animated").addClass("is-transitioned"); $("section").show(); // console.log("SHOW TRANS"); }, 3000); setTimeout(() => { $(" .enjoy").addClass("is-transitioned"); $("section").show(); }, 1500); setTimeout(() => { $(" .your-ride").addClass("is-transitioned"); $("section").show(); }, 2100); }); $owlCarousel.on("changed.owl.carousel", e => { console.log("ON CHANGE CAROU"); $(".owl-slide-animated, .enjoy, .your-ride").removeClass("is-transitioned"); const $currentOwlItem = $(".owl-item").eq(e.item.index); $currentOwlItem.find(".owl-slide-animated").addClass("is-transitioned"); $currentOwlItem.find(".enjoy").addClass("is-transitioned"); $currentOwlItem.find(".your-ride").addClass("is-transitioned"); }); } $("#splashscreen").hide(); }); function initChangeTimeProcessing() { if ($("#process-change-time").length > 0) { $("#process-change-time").click(function () { var changeurl = $(this).attr('data-url'); //console.log("ULR " + changeurl); // alert($("#datefrom").val()); if (changeurl.length > 0) { datefrom =$("#datefrom").val(); dateuntil =$("#dateuntil").val(); if(datefrom.length <= 0) { datefrom =$("#datefrom-input").val(); dateuntil =$("#dateuntil-input").val(); } /* console.log(datefrom); console.log(dateuntil); var date1 = new Date(datefrom); var date2 = new Date(dateuntil); console.log(date1); console.log(date2); // if(date1 < date2) alert(); exit();*/ $.ajax({ url: changeurl, method: "POST", //First change type to method here data: { type : "process", from: datefrom, until: dateuntil, // Second add quotes on the value. }, success: function (response) { $("#additional-products .content").html(response); $("#additional-overlay-container").show(); $("#additional-products .close-additional").click(function () { $("#additional-overlay-container").hide(); }); return false; }, error: function () { } }); //else // alert("Bitte gültige Zeiten eingeben."); } }); } } function startAdditionalOverlay(content) { $("#additional-products .content").html(content); $("#additional-overlay-container").show(); $("#additional-products .close-additional").click(function () { $("#additional-overlay-container").hide(); }); } function showProgress() { // $('.progress-bar').width('83%'); // $('.node__5').addClass('node--active').prevAll('.node').addClass('node--complete'); } $(document).ready(function () { initFilterButtons(); initMultipleBooking(); if($("#model-container").length > 0) { $('[data-quantity="plus"]').click(function (e) { // Stop acting like a button e.preventDefault(); // Get the field name fieldName = $(this).attr('data-field'); idtosent = $('input[name=' + fieldName + ']').attr('data-pid'); // console.log(idtosent); // Get its current value var currentVal = parseInt($('input[name=' + fieldName + ']').val()); // If is not undefined if (!isNaN(currentVal)) { // Increment currentVal++; $('input[name=' + fieldName + ']').val(currentVal); } else { // Otherwise put a 0 there currentVal = 0; $('input[name=' + fieldName + ']').val(0); } }); $('[data-quantity="minus"]').click(function (e) { // Stop acting like a button e.preventDefault(); // Get the field name fieldName = $(this).attr('data-field'); idtosent = $('input[name=' + fieldName + ']').attr('data-pid'); // Get its current value var currentVal = parseInt($('input[name=' + fieldName + ']').val()); // If it isn't undefined or its greater than 0 if (!isNaN(currentVal) && currentVal > 0) { // Decrement one currentVal--; $('input[name=' + fieldName + ']').val(currentVal); } else { // Otherwise put a 0 there $('input[name=' + fieldName + ']').val(0); currentVal = 0; } }); } $("#form_search_bikes_submit").click(function(){ $("#product-container-results .search-results,.form_search_bikes_submit-container").hide("slow"); $("#product-container-results #loading-search-results").show(); catid = $(".category-container").attr("data-cat-id"); datefrom =$("#f_from").val().replace(/\s/g, '+'); dateuntil =$("#f_until").val().replace(/\s/g, '+'); if(catid > 0) { $.ajax({ type: "GET", dataType:' text', url: base_url + "/bi/bikes/search/"+ catid + "/"+datefrom+"/"+dateuntil+"/list", // data: 'name=' + $(this).val(), beforeSend: function() { }, success: function(data) { //alert(data); $("#product-container-results .search-results").html(data); $("#product-container-results #loading-search-results").hide(); $("#product-container-results .search-results, .form_search_bikes_submit-container").show("slow"); //initSellFormRequests(); initProductButtons(); initFilterButtons(); initMultipleBooking(); }, error: function(xhr, status, error) { //$("#product-container-results .search-results").html(xhr.responseText); //alert(xhr.responseText); // var err = eval("(" + xhr.responseText + ")"); // alert(err.Message); } });} else console.log("no catid for searching"); // alert("Search for it"); return false; }); $("#form_search_bikes_submit").trigger("click"); if ($('.print-page').length > 0) { $('.print-page').click(function () { window.print(); }); } if (window.location.href.indexOf("mieten/") > -1) { // etc Cookies.set("nocache", 1, {expires: 1}); } if ($('.iframe-btn').length > 0) $('.iframe-btn').fancybox({ 'width': 900, 'height': 600, 'type': 'iframe', 'autoScale': false }); $(".admin-submenu-headline").click(function(){ $(this).siblings(".admin-submenu").toggle(); }); if ($("#partner-footer .partner").length > 0 && typeof $('#partner-footer').owlCarousel !== "undefined") { // console.log("init pf"); $('#partner-footer').owlCarousel({ loop: true, margin: 40, nav: true, autoplay: true, autoplayTimeout: 3000, autoplayHoverPause: true, responsive: { 0: { items: 2 }, 600: { items: 4 }, 1000: { items: 6 }, 1400: { items: 8 } } }); } if ($(".button-search-products").length > 0 ) { $(".button-search-products").click(function () { if($(".search-zip-overall").val().length > 0) { var zipfield = $(this).parent().find(".search-zip-overall"); var zip = zipfield.val(); if(zip.length > 3) { zipfield.removeClass("field-error"); zipfield.parent().find(".zip-field-error").remove(); $(bike_action_result).hide(); $(loadingcontainer).show(); $.ajax({ url: base_url + "/bi/search/categoryproducts", method: "POST", //First change type to method here data: { category: product, zip : zip, }, success: function (response) { //alert(response); $(loadingcontainer).hide(); //$(this).closest(".loading-search-results, .bike-action-result") $(bike_action_result).show(); $(bike_action_result).html(response); $('html, body').animate({scrollTop: $(bike_action_result).offset().top - 150}, 300); //initTimeSelection(); }, error: function () { // alert("error"); } });} else { zipfield.addClass("field-error"); zipfield.after("